YMCA Essex has a 44-room supported housing unit in Colchester. The aim is to provide temporary accommodation and advice for individuals aged between 16 and 25, in order that they may develop the necessary life and social skills to live independently.
Residents will be required to meet regularly with their Housing Officer and complete support plans & any other associated actions, which detail how they intend to achieve the skills needed for full independence.
Residents must be in, or actively committed to securing education, employment, training or volunteering whilst living at YMCA Essex supported accommodation.
The length of time a resident stays in YMCA Essex supported accommodation will depend on their personal need, but their Licence is for a maximum of two years, before being supported to move into alternative and hopefully more permanent accommodation.
YMCA Essex takes referrals through the Colchester Joint Referral Panel. If you’re aged between 16 and 24, homeless or vulnerably housed and need supported housing, which could include moving in to YMCA Essex, please contact Colchester Borough Council Housing Advice or Colchester Youth Enquiry Service.
“You have all been so lovely, helpful and kind! Without most of your support I probably wouldn’t have been able to get where I have. I will remember everything each and every one of you has done for me!” (Paris, former resident)
“I am very happy with this opportunity in which the YMCA has given me. If I wasn’t living here, I don’t see that I would have got the same chance on my own.”
(Molly, former resident)
“Thanks Colchester YMCA, I now have my own place, a puppy and soon work as an art teacher volunteer. You mean a lot to me, I hope you’re all ok and I will visit. You all helped me.”
(Sara, former resident)